Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Quatro de Mayo

I'm told its May already, but it's raining and cold outside and freezing in my office so I'm not convinced. The only evidence I have is how busy it's getting at the Aquarium. We're doing roughly an event every other evening here for the next six to eight weeks. Tonight we'll be hosting a national network gathering of COSEE-OLC an organization that promotes marine science in education centers across the globe. On Thursday we'll be hearing from Dr. Rick Keil on how we negatively impact our urban watersheds and what we can do to prevent further damage. As dry as that may sound, these events are engaging and captivating social events where you always meet interesting people and learn something relevant. 

And then it's Proms proms proms...

Here is my honest opinion of these affairs:

They are incredibly fun. First of all, they LOOK fantastic in our venue and for having 4-500 guests in the building at any given time, we maintain a very safe, low impact environment. And the atmosphere is truly jubilant. You can't help but remember your own prom and what it felt like, and so chaperones, teachers, administrators, students, and event planners alike all sort of share in the experience. 

I will say that you know you're getting old when you hear what passes for music these days and you wonder what's gone so badly wrong. :)

Until next time, enjoy the weather.